22 September 2010

Will someone please tell me...

... how to write this fucking book without having the priest's POV? Because he's a real pain in the ass to write. The male and female protagonists are coming along nicely but writing Blackwell is like pulling teeth.

Damn it. It's a paranormal, for crap's sake. SURELY I can figure out a way to get enough hints in on what's going on without having to bore the fuck out of a reader in these scenes, because they're boring the SHIT out of me.

Maybe... I don't know, a telepathic connection? A little more information from her mother? A misplaced ribbon? Damned if I know. But there has got to be a way out of this; I'm terribly, awfully sick of slogging through these scenes.

Pardon the vent. It's late. However, now that I've put my brain on this path, it might take a few stumbling steps while I'm asleep. Once I wash the water bottles. And other stuff. Damn it.


  1. You know what I love about the creative process? It's one of the best examples of "ask and ye shall receive" that I know.

    Sometimes it's all about putting questions down on paper and pinning down the problem. So I'm relegating the Blackwell you've already met to a back burner (a walk-on, as it were), replacing him with what I think is a much more interesting and attractive character. Since he's more accessible to the male and female protagonists, I think I can stop writing the villain's POV. Even in 3rd person I felt like it was a total waste of energy.

    I'd really love to get started, like, RIGHT NOW but it's past 1 and I'm going to be a bitch tomorrow anyway.

    Wish me luck.

  2. Will you please share some of what you've written so that I can try to be helpful?

  3. Lori, as soon as I get the first three chapters in order I'm going to send them out. Then I'm going to drink the Founder's Breakfast Stout that Brian got me, followed quite possibly by a LOT of red wine. So I'm highly motivated on many many levels.
