I haven't posted in a while -- partly because I'm lazy, partly because I'm in my usual horratious November funk. I'm getting awfully tired of feeling sorry for myself, though. That takes a lot of energy, suprisingly, and surely I should put that energy to better use. Nonetheless I was being my usual useless November self when I decided to fire up YouTube and listen to some Jack Johnson. If you have perchance lived under a rock for the last few years, Jack is a cool, laid-back ex-surfer who did the soundtrack to the "Curious George" movie, and has multiple other, wicked awesome albums. (Albums? How fucking old am I?)
Anyway, Jack totally set me on fire, especially the video for "You and Your Heart." In case you didn't know (and if you didn't know, you either don't know me or ignored everything I've said in the last five months), I learned to surf this summer with my fabulous sister and multiple fabulous East Coast friends. So this video really hit me. Sure, I'm in New Mexico now, with no real hope of surfing till my next East Coast trip. But just seeing the gorgeous waves and water sent my heart soaring. I felt like a modern, bizarre surf-version of the fucking "Sound of Music" or something.
I love surfing. What really makes it amazing to me is that when I'm standing up on a wave, nothing else exists. Nothing. I can't emphasize that enough. I can't even really explain it. It' s just me on the wave.
Surely I can take this pure feeling and find other ways to experience it. It's not like November is good for anything else.