04 December 2010

Nothing really

When my computer hard drive crashed AGAIN (yes, the new one that I got last summer), I kind of gave up. Without my computer, my whole organizational system was thrown off. I must say that I think it was good for me in a way, to look at things differently. I started writing things out BY HAND, like journaling in the morning with coffee and actually writing letters to my mother and sending them by snail-mail. I think it is good to get this different perspective every once in a while, and to have that connection between your mind and your writing hand and the pen and paper.

Since I got my latest hard drive, my computer has been slower than ever. I have been very unmotivated to use it for much of anything. But, I am still here. I just feel like I don't really have anything to say.

I have had to focus on basic survival issues so much lately that I have not done a scrap of fictional writing. A great deal of my time goes toward keeping myself and my children healthy, especially my son with Cystic Fibrosis, who has had to do extra breathing treatments lately due to a scary bacterial infection that we are having trouble getting rid of (you'd never know it to look at him, he seems the picture of health, a very active and rambunctious 5 year-old boy). Then there is my persistent anemia, that I thought I had taken care of, but now seems to be resurfacing.

We've been trying to survive winter again, in this crappy economy where my husband's job is pretty much seasonal and I have been having a really difficult time finding work. Then it got really cold, below zero, and our pipes froze. It's my least favorite time of year, contrary to the popular song lyrics, "it's the most wonderful time of the year." Bullshit.

I don't mean to complain, just to explain where I've been. Things are looking up. I got a part-time job, working with some friends who have their own business in their home. It's a great situation. And I've got another job interview coming up. And I've decided to go back to school in the spring, to work toward finishing my masters degree (taking one class).

So where I am at right now is very grounded in survival and reality - heck, I'm not even reading any fiction, just non-fiction lately. And I've been thinking about getting my first tattoo ever. When I can eventually afford it. So, what's going on? Nothing really.

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