07 January 2010

Steamer Trunks

So the other day I was thinking about this blog, setting it up with my good friends Andi and Lori to share our writing and musings and whatever the hell else might come up. At the same time, my boyfriend and I were drinking a really good wine (for a change), called 7 Deadly Zins. Wickedly delicious. And it made me think:

This wine smells like bacon and tastes like smoke. No, it tastes like an old leather trunk from the 1920s that has travelled all around the world and somehow ended up in my house, full of flavor and memory. I'm drinking the essence of an old steamer trunk. And I mean that in a good way.

So now I'm thinking of this blog as a collection of old steamer trunks from the attic of your crazy great-aunt -- you know the one; she hid in the kitchen and drank straight from the bottle of Southern Comfort when she thought no one was looking? Her. Anyway, the point is:

You never know what you might find.

My nephew Jules told me that, and it's true. You never know...

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