19 January 2010

This is how I see it

OK, sounds like its time for us to clarify some things...or simplify. This is how I see it: There is no limit or deadline or specific amount of posts that we need to do here. Just put something up when you feel like it. Clearly I haven't been contributing very much and I don't think anyone else should feel any pressure to either.

As far as our "assignments" go, I just see them as exercises, as a way to sit down and write something, anything, to get the creative juices flowing. We're not going to publish that shit or anything, unless you happen to come up with something completely brilliant, which I don't expect to. Instead of giving ourselves more time to complete them, I would say less time would be better. For example: sit down right now and write one page about something you think is impossible becoming possible. You may come up with a page of complete shit that says "its fucking impossible for me to do this assignment." But at the end of the page, you will have done it.

Kelly and I have done a couple of really fun writing exercises where we took time out during an online chat and said, OK, for 1/2 hour write about such and such. It is surprising the things that pop out of your imagination that might not have if we had thought about it too much.

Andi - about Sanctuary, maybe it's time to step away from it for a bit instead of continuing to stress over it. Maybe it's time to share it with some other writers for a little feedback.

- Lori

1 comment:

  1. Fab idea, Lori. I sent you both the prologue and chapter one. Sorry it sounds like stress; I'm just terribly excited and a little manic and no one but you two really understand the process.

    I tried the write-or-die application yesterday. It was a lot of fun and I ended up getting so caught up in it I was late leaving work. Kelly, the only place they don't encourage profanity is in the comments. I used enormous amounts of it in my first attempt. And the ideas that came out were worth cutting and pasting to save for later.

