10 January 2010

Whole Lotta Smug, etc.

Reading Andi's last post, I laughed out loud at this line:

I can be smug and watch myself be smug and be disgusted by it all at the same time.

I should have this tattooed on my fucking forehead. So true! I'm sure we're all like that sometimes, though. I was reading an interview with a CEO recently, and I was struck by one question he said that he asked potential employees -- roughly, what is the biggest misconception that people have about you?

So I started thinking about how the hell I would answer that. I decided that (some) people hear my loud opinions, and assume that I am judging them if they don't agree. In reality, it took me many years to become comfortable voicing my opinions, but I'm well aware that I haven't had my current opinions or views for my whole life. They change. And I like to think that I'm open to new ideas and will continue to evolve for the rest of my life.

The real kicker: is that true? Because sometimes I am a seriously judgmental bitch. Now I have to engage in a whole lot of self-reflection.

Or not.

What about you two?


  1. OK, I thought I posted this already, but didn't see it here so...
    Sometimes when I look in the mirror I am surprised that I don't see the ugly old hag from "The Princess Bride" saying "boo! boo! bow to her, bow to the queen of slime, the queen of putrecence!" because sometimes I have such nasty thoughts, I feel like the queen of putrecence.

  2. oh goddamn it blogger ate my post.

    yes, i'm judgmental esp about stupidity and people who smoke in cars with kids.

    kelly, you have a VERY strong personality, and i for one wouldn't dare to disagree with you in person; i reserve the right to do that via email, so that any retaliatory vituperation might be somewhat dissipated as it travels through the ethernet.

    although given my terrified reaction to being flamed last week, i doubt the format would make much difference. i don't deal with conflict very well at ALL. unless it's fictional. then it's awesome.

    wait - what were we talking about? all this snot in my head is making me stupid.

  3. Oh my god, Andi, am I that bad?? Rest assured, I actually really like it when friends call me on my shit! (Strangers and acquaintances, not so much, hee.) Go ahead, disagree with me sometime -- I'm actually super unlikely to get ugly about it. Like you, I don't much like conflict (thanks, dysfunctional family -- you know who you are!) and I try to avoid creating it. Believe it or not!

    Lori, better ugly thoughts than ugly words or actions. That was one of the toughest lessons I ever learned.
