31 March 2010

the home stretch

holy shit, i think i might actually finish this assignment (she says, knocking frantically on her wooden kitchen table).

general apologies to anyone who's reading this and expecting it to make sense. i'm using characters and a situation that have been knocking around in my head for over ten years, and to get these assignments done i'm having to cut out all the backstory. but this has been incredibly helpful - for me, if for no one else. in between the brainstorming for these monologues and an eye-opening conversation i had with buffy (which grew out of one of lori's notes from the first chapter), i've somehow managed to come up with what i hope is a more coherent structure. it doesn't show here, but shit, i wrote a synopsis this week! which was something i had been dreading for six months or so.

it's been interesting to see whose voices are turning out to be similar and whose are different; who's easy to write, and fun, and who's just completely freaking boring. and i'll be kinda sad to have to go back to 3rd person limited after having spent some time in different heads than my main characters. it's been unexpectedly enlightening. in a good way.

so, progress. and committment. good stuff.

three more posts to go.


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