31 March 2010

Kiki Update

Eek! I have a sunburn today, thanks to stupid-ass planning on a trip to White Sands National Monument. I had a great time with my sister, bro-in-law, and the kids, but forgot that springtime sun can be bitch when it bounces off gypsum dunes. Oh well. The cold I just caught isn't helping matters any.

Also -- we just had a great night, all of us, plus my fabulous cousin Chuck, his awesome wife Shannon, my great buddy Dave, and of course the rockin' BF Alex -- can I just say "YouTube karaoke"? If you haven't done it...do. Seriously. Hopefully with copious amounts of alcohol.

My haiku for the night?

Sushi, Sriracha,
and YouTube karaoke:
The best night ever.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous of your sunburn. Can't wait to hear more from you!
